Discover Notez-Nous!


Note-Nous, what is it?

Notez-Nous is the online rating service designed for healthcare establishments.

Once the medical visit has been completed, a satisfaction form is automatically sent to the patient so that they can express their opinion and feelings on the quality of the care received and the quality of the facility.

This form, sent automatically from Orthalis, can be received via the Dentapoche application, e-mail or SMS.

Discover Notez-Nous on video!

What are these notes for?

This feedback is relevant and reflects the real experience of your patients. They enable you to gather information on their satisfaction, so you can adapt your products to their needs, and increase your online visibility and reputation.

More visibility

No need to ask patients to leave a review on your Google page – Notez-Nous does it for you!

A customizable form

Send us a customized form that allows you to guide your patients according to the criteria you have chosen.

And if the reviews are negative?

Don’t worry!

If your patient isn’t satisfied with their visit, you can discuss the reasons for their dissatisfaction with them, without damaging your online reputation.

Find out more, go to

Prerequisite: you must have the latest version of Orthalis V8 and subscribe to Notez-Nous.
*maintenance is provided by Notez-Nous