Customer training

Training objectives
At the end of the course, trainees should be able to:
Master all patient-related modules (patient file, etc.)
Use the schedule and know how to make appointments
Manage correspondence (various correspondents and layout)
Manage all financial aspects of the software (payments, statistics, management plan, carte vitale changeover)
Manage imaging (X-rays, Kitview)
Further information
Teaching method
Didactic, active, interrogative, affirmative
Valuation method
Practical exercises, case studies, questions/answers, MCQs
Training prerequisites
No prerequisites (except technical ones)
Rules of procedure
The company’s internal regulations are binding.

Access time
Training is tailored to the customer’s needs. The Orqual Group undertakes to provide a costed and documented proposal for software acquisition (including software training) within 30 days of the request. The timetable will be defined according to the type of practice and its expectations (migration, installation).
In the event of a disability (visual impairment, deafness, mobility or other), Orthalis undertakes to adapt its training to the audience concerned (PDF document, videos, e-learning). We provide a contact sheet for training people with disabilities (questions, organizations). In addition, our company has a Handicap referent. If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact us at the following address:
1 day
98 %
Satisfaction rate of
our training courses (2024)
for 79 sessions carried out
1350 €
Technical know-how
- How to search for a patient and access his/her file
- Create a first appointment, book an appointment, modify an appointment
- How to set up appointment procedures
- Knowing how to set practitioner schedules
- How to set up a vacation and print a schedule
- Manage the day's patient list (arrival button, chair, secretariat, discharge)
- How to read a carte vitale and fill in a civil status form
- Create a brother/sister record from an existing file
- Knowing how to group siblings when files already exist
- Use or retrieve existing patient files (representative, policyholder, payer, fund, dentist)
- How to add and modify a correspondent
- Know how to use Quick Note and manage administrative follow-up
- Allergy control
- Knowing how to use internal (and patient) chat
- Clinical form :
- How to add, modify and set parameters for a clinical commentary
- Scheduling your next appointment
- Mastering classification
- How to fill in a treatment plan, diagnosis/objective in a simple manner (using a form)
- Know how to use existing letter templates
- How to generate a patient letter
- Retrieve mail history
- Managing favorites
- Know how to create a mail template (create, duplicate, add merge fields, add photos, etc.).
- How to use templates
- Import photos manually or via WIFI
- How to use the radio gateway
- How to use viewers and the comparator
- How to take a screenshot
- Completing a clinical form
- How to use the recipe book
- Know how to bank and manage expenses.
- How to configure Orqual Mail
- How to create a confirmation template with the firm
- Configure automatic appointment reminders
- Know how to enter a simple procedure (consultation, x-ray, etc.)
- Know how to make a single, partial, multiple or sibling collection
- How to create an ESF
- How to print a paper MSDS
- Mastering FSV remote transmission
- Retrieve ESF history, print a paid invoice, print a conventional estimate
- Applying a plan
- Know how to print the 1st and subsequent EPDs
- Mastering CSS